As always, I'm a little ahead of myself. With 10 down and 2 to go, I am getting excited for another whole year of books to read.
For our draw we should probably have 3 selections each. We'll each get our Number 1 choice for sure and then three of us will get another selection, leaving December open for Christmas Book Exchange (which has to be a book on your Top 10 list)! In the event that someone else has chosen your #1, you might need two others.
I wandered onto Chapters online...ohhh about an hour ago and have left with a substantial list of selections for the next year. With so many choices out there and so little time to waste on the 'Love in the Time of Cholera' disasters, how do you decide what to read? By recommendation? Judge a book by it's cover? The almighty Oprah?
I started my search with Prisoner of Tehran - recommended by my MIL and SIL. SIL is proven for recommendations, MIL not so much. Remember the "Quivering Loins" book? Yeah. Anyway...turns out this is also one of Heather's Picks so could be a solid choice. So click, click, click and this rolled on to the following choices...
Suite Francais
The Year of Magical Thinking
We Are All the Same
The Thirteenth Tale
Late Nights on Air
Loving Frank
Brick Lane
Island Walkers
Ten Thousand Lovers
Then I thought, have any of you already read these books? If so, I'll scratch 'em from my list of choices for the next year. Which lead me to this something that we should all do? Do we want a Book List for 2008/2009 that is completely untouched by any of us? Is this possible?
Let's give it a shot with my list here...let me know if you've read any and if all of them have been read by one or the other then we'll know this might not be a likely option and we will have inevitable book choices that others have already read.
We love good books, good wine, good food, and most of all good friends!
Mark Your Calendars!
Book Club Friday September 5 at The CB Ranche! This one is for The Birth House.
See you there!
See you there!
Book Surprise
So I went to the store this weekend and picked up The Glass Castle... (Side bar - I paid $17 something at Coles and discovered today it's 45% off at Chapters Online and with the irewards discount it would have been $8.45) I really didn't know anything about it even though I'd seen the book many times on shelves and heard good reviews from others. I couldn't find it in fiction and was really surprised when the store girl picked it up from the "True crime something or other" section. It turns out I saw the story of this book on Oprah this year and it is so interesting! It was a small section on Oprah, half or less of a show, but I remember it clearly and was wanting to know more. Needless to say I tore into it on Saturday and Sunday and I think I could be finished before our next meeting! Definitley a top ten of bonus of book club is getting these kinds of surprises.
Click here to check out the Oprah show. There is not a whole lot of it online, but you can see Jeanette.
Click here to check out the Oprah show. There is not a whole lot of it online, but you can see Jeanette.
The Birth House continues...
Hi All,
Of those of you that have finished already you will be able to tell what part I read last night by following the link below. I can't seem to get the hyperlink to work today so you might have to cut and paste it. I think it's worth the read! This is why I love historical fiction, there is just so much more behind the story that you can read up on. Good piece of Canadian history I had been previously unaware of. Who has been to Halifax? Have you seen the monuments or memorials?
Happy Reading!
Of those of you that have finished already you will be able to tell what part I read last night by following the link below. I can't seem to get the hyperlink to work today so you might have to cut and paste it. I think it's worth the read! This is why I love historical fiction, there is just so much more behind the story that you can read up on. Good piece of Canadian history I had been previously unaware of. Who has been to Halifax? Have you seen the monuments or memorials?
Happy Reading!
Halfway through August...say it ain't so.
Hello Ladies!
Thanks Malia for a great book club. Great food. Hot sun. Love it.
How was the Bauer Kegger!? I am so sad to have missed it, but did have great summer fun with BD in Waterton. Hiking and camping for the first time this summer with few weekends to go until the temps go down and the days get short. Tear. If there are any pics send 'em my way so I can post! It was our unofficial 2nd wedding anniversary and we're not a gift exchanging couple, but think I might have to change our policy on that. My inlaws were over yesterday and my MIL was blinged out with a new 4 carat(maybe 5?) diamond monstrosity the likes of JLo on the occasion of 42 years. I'm hoping that he was so romantic to get a 4.2 carat diamond for the 42, but felt it rude to it took me a while to recover from the blindness. Don't know why that's relevant...just a rambling post.
So with Almost Moon officially behind us, how are we doing on The Birth House? I really like it! It may be too early to tell but I'm thinking it could be a fave of mine. I am only half way through. What are your thoughts on it?
Are we decided on our next meeting? Can't recall due to Monday brain...Friday Sept 5 or Friday Sept 12? Let's discuss.
Thanks Malia for a great book club. Great food. Hot sun. Love it.
How was the Bauer Kegger!? I am so sad to have missed it, but did have great summer fun with BD in Waterton. Hiking and camping for the first time this summer with few weekends to go until the temps go down and the days get short. Tear. If there are any pics send 'em my way so I can post! It was our unofficial 2nd wedding anniversary and we're not a gift exchanging couple, but think I might have to change our policy on that. My inlaws were over yesterday and my MIL was blinged out with a new 4 carat(maybe 5?) diamond monstrosity the likes of JLo on the occasion of 42 years. I'm hoping that he was so romantic to get a 4.2 carat diamond for the 42, but felt it rude to it took me a while to recover from the blindness. Don't know why that's relevant...just a rambling post.
So with Almost Moon officially behind us, how are we doing on The Birth House? I really like it! It may be too early to tell but I'm thinking it could be a fave of mine. I am only half way through. What are your thoughts on it?
Are we decided on our next meeting? Can't recall due to Monday brain...Friday Sept 5 or Friday Sept 12? Let's discuss.
Book Club Thursday!
My favourite day of my favourite week of every month quickly approaches!
Hope there is a Google Machine available at the Shorts because I will surely forget to bring our discussion questions for Almost Moon. I'm pretty sure we're more of a free flowing discussion kinda book club but might be nice to try for some specific questions we might otherwise not touch on.
It is TOO SOON for discussion on The Birth House!!! Usually I'm the worst for getting into books before others are ready, but this time I'm dragging my feet. I blame it on the Olympics. We are so addicted. If you are not watching you need to start, primarily for the mega eye candy treats for both me and my hubby are enjoying. Brian could judge Women's Beach VolleyBall at this point. I've attached pictures to light your torch...hee. See y'all on Thursday!

Hope there is a Google Machine available at the Shorts because I will surely forget to bring our discussion questions for Almost Moon. I'm pretty sure we're more of a free flowing discussion kinda book club but might be nice to try for some specific questions we might otherwise not touch on.
It is TOO SOON for discussion on The Birth House!!! Usually I'm the worst for getting into books before others are ready, but this time I'm dragging my feet. I blame it on the Olympics. We are so addicted. If you are not watching you need to start, primarily for the mega eye candy treats for both me and my hubby are enjoying. Brian could judge Women's Beach VolleyBall at this point. I've attached pictures to light your torch...hee. See y'all on Thursday!

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