- I want to read Two Kisses for Maddy. April 14 it comes out. I've been a Matt Logelin blog reader for a long time now and love his writing already. This one requires tissues. A.Des, I know you are with me on this one. We can cry together.
- I want to read BossyPants by Tina Fey. Lainey says it's awesome. Do I trust Lainey? No. (Remember how she dissed the name Cash?) Do I get her sense of humor? Totally. Plus I really like Tina Fey...not girl crush like her...just, like her.
- I want to see Water for Elephants (click here for our blog thoughts on this book from ages ago) even though a fan of R.Patts and Reece Witherspoon, I am not. (I talk like Yoda, don't I) SInce we are all busy and important people, I'm just going to throw out there that we all go see it Tuesday, April 26 at Chinook Centre. Or matinee styles on Saturday, April 30. Do I have someone to share a popcorn with on either of those dates? I like extra butter!!!!
See you ladies tomorra.
ps. this GREEN blog was driving me CRAZY! I had to change it in advance of our next birthday...had to. What do you think.
I am totally down for Water for Elephants, alas, Christien goes back to work on the 25th, so I have nobody to look after the rug rat. If you want to wait two whole weeks then I can come. Also, am totally dying to read Bossypants. Love Tina Fey, Love Amy Poheler. Think it's going to be a good read. Debating using it for one of my bookclub picks. Also really like the new blog. I think that you and I are the only ones who even read this blog. LOL.
Totally. Or we are the most bored at work.
This is how we can communicate about books and movies. This month is pretty busy, so I could wait for the movie. I will also not read Bossypants and save it for your book club pick in May (which will actually be more like June or July)
Sweet, Christien is back May 9th, so I can go anytime in those two weeks. If you can hold out that long. I'm hoping that even though I'm May, I don't go any later then June sometime for my book club. Amber's up next.. so that April host should turn into May, and then me. Maybe we'll pick something short with Amber and then I can host at the beginning of June or something.
I'm here. I was lost for a while. New computer operating system lost all of my bookmarks, and thus lost all motivation for life.
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