Hope there is a Google Machine available at the Shorts because I will surely forget to bring our discussion questions for Almost Moon. I'm pretty sure we're more of a free flowing discussion kinda book club but might be nice to try for some specific questions we might otherwise not touch on.
It is TOO SOON for discussion on The Birth House!!! Usually I'm the worst for getting into books before others are ready, but this time I'm dragging my feet. I blame it on the Olympics. We are so addicted. If you are not watching you need to start, primarily for the mega eye candy treats for both me and my hubby are enjoying. Brian could judge Women's Beach VolleyBall at this point. I've attached pictures to light your torch...hee. See y'all on Thursday!

Aren't they cute in their little caps?
CS isn't a fan of the Olympics, but I love them. We will have them on the big screen in the basement tomorrow night (where it's nice and cool). I am not a fan of Phelps.
Yeah, Phelps was apparently an Big Ear'd ADD dork growing up, someone channeled all that dorkiness and lack of friends to the pool. I just think neck down is pretty yum.
Last night during Women's Synchronized Dives BD says... "See, those Mexican broads are practically wearing G-Strings. That's why they are getting all the points". Dead pan serious. Cracked me up.
Agreed on Phelps body. Too bad his face is so ugly.
I think the Canadian Water Polo team used to practice at Talisman on Wednesday nights. We had it scheduled down to the second to make sure we were in the hot tub at the correct moment. Alana, Amber and I would unabashadly stare at those teeny tiny little Speedos that barely covered their cheeks.
no. guilt. not. once.
Malia what is your address and do you care if i come over straight from work tomorrow? I will bring vino, do you need anything else?
Come when you please. I will be home at 5. Sent out an e-mail with address and directions. My home phone number is 403.516.0330
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