I read this book in a day. Helped that I had it on the ipad ALL DAY at work (yeah, probably should have been working). Anyway, I just couldn't put it down. I'm wondering if it's because I am a Matt Logelin blog reader, or if someone who just picked it up with no prior knowledge of the story, would think it as fabulous. So READ IT and then let me know! I've started Bossypants and have been giggling at some of the jokes. It's quite funny. It's going to be my treadmill book this week. I'm 10 weeks late starting training for my 60km WALK in July. Gots to gets going. Good books help. Keep 'em coming. ARRRRRRRRIBA! Have a fab time in Mexico, Senoritas! Have uno mas shot of tequila for me. Por favor. C
Ola amigas,
R. Pattz was on Regis and Kelly this morning. That guy is D.U.L.L. I just can't imagine how he can make his character in Water for Elephants come alive. (we all know his vampire character is dead, so no nead for much acting ability there) I suppose we shall see...
One thing: my mom volunteers/works for a non-profit called Calgary Reads. They are having a book sale in May to raise money - so if you have used books you would like to donate let me know, I will come collect them - or you can drop them off at any RBC.
PS, Christine, can you hook me up with a blogger email/pass thingy for this blog? The mood to blog may strike me some day.
I can NOT wait to reat this book. Im saving it for MExico.
K-I totally have books to donate.
OK ladies. WELL worth the $30 whatever dollars! I'm already half way through and have cried a hald dozen times. I get the ol' eye roll when Chris sees me crying and reading. So good. I'd love more details though but I totally get his writing style.
Ambs, this guy is like your perfect guy.
I'm reading BossyPants. Hee hee. Makes me giggle lots. Especially cause you can just picture her saying all this stuff.
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