
Non Book Related Material

Bored at work? Click to play
Name That Duggar, pretty self explanatory and slightly hilarious. Guess wrong and you lose a Tater Tot Casserole! Here's a hint, all the names start with "J".


Me and Madonna...Book Besties

Hey all...just a cold and grey January afternoon post. Not much to it and some of you other Lainey readers will already have picked up on the tidbit I am about to share. Do any of you read GOOP? Gwyneth Paltrow's newsletter? On this particular one here she lists her and her friends favourite books. Madonna lists The Time Travellers Wife as one of her faves and I love that she is the only one on the list who doesn't list only "Classics". Yep, Love in the Time of Cholera is on there, and it makes me wonder who are these people who enjoy this book and did they actually read it or are just trying to sound smart?


Life or something like it...Part Deux

Well 2009 continues to surprise. I'm really learning to roll with the punches...how quickly life changes.

I need some updates! How does everyone like The Thirteenth Tale? I really enjoyed it!

What is everyone reading beyond our January book? I have been reading The Gurensey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. It's cute, I like it...but I have been losing my focus. I am glad I chose 13th Tale over it for my book club selection. If I can get through it in the next week or so I am going to start The Queen's Fool (Thanks Shannon)...the 4th book in the Boleyn Girl series. Look at me reading a whole series! Look out Harry Potter...you may be next.

Have any ideas for February Book Club meeting? Any one want to host?


Life...or something like it

That line describes my holiday to a tee. 10 days of busy family visiting pondering how we lived under one roof for 19 years of my existence, with no releif provided by "holiday cheer". That was compounded by a sickness with no releif from Dayquil or anything of the sort. It was a rough go. The following week I hibernated, sleeping 16 hours a day with the help of the -27 temperatures EVERY DAY. How depressing was that, and that we come back to work on the nicest day we've had in a month. It's so unfair.
BD and I have two conclusions from this holiday. 1 - We are never hosting Christmas again (at least for 2-3 years when the memory is gone) and 2 - We are always booking a flight to a tropical place on December 26 to unwind through the New Year. I so hope we stick to #2.
Anyhoo...looking forward to hearing similar stories from all of y'all. Even the tanned Hawaii gals did not escape the parental units even in paradise.

Can everyone get together on Thursday the 8th? I am reserving Wednesday the 7th - the giant 3-0 birthday for a little dinner celebration with BD.


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