
Halfway through August...say it ain't so.

Hello Ladies!

Thanks Malia for a great book club. Great food. Hot sun. Love it.

How was the Bauer Kegger!? I am so sad to have missed it, but did have great summer fun with BD in Waterton. Hiking and camping for the first time this summer with few weekends to go until the temps go down and the days get short. Tear. If there are any pics send 'em my way so I can post! It was our unofficial 2nd wedding anniversary and we're not a gift exchanging couple, but think I might have to change our policy on that. My inlaws were over yesterday and my MIL was blinged out with a new 4 carat(maybe 5?) diamond monstrosity the likes of JLo on the occasion of 42 years. I'm hoping that he was so romantic to get a 4.2 carat diamond for the 42, but felt it rude to ask...plus it took me a while to recover from the blindness. Don't know why that's relevant...just a rambling post.

So with Almost Moon officially behind us, how are we doing on The Birth House? I really like it! It may be too early to tell but I'm thinking it could be a fave of mine. I am only half way through. What are your thoughts on it?

Are we decided on our next meeting? Can't recall due to Monday brain...Friday Sept 5 or Friday Sept 12? Let's discuss.


Anonymous said...

I believe that I can do either Friday. Just let me know as soon as everyone else figures out their busy schedules.

Anonymous said...

Yo, I think Im skipping the irth house ladies...sorry. My brain is just not able to read one more book right now. Plus I'll be away Sept 12 so its one less person to worry about schedules.

Anonymous said...

I can do the 5th. I'm taking my mom to see Elton John on the 12th. I heart birth house too!! Thanks again Malia. I think i sweat off 10 pds in the sun.. haha

Anonymous said...

The 5th works bestest for me too. How are you liking Diary, Alana? Weird or what?

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, let's do the 5th then. Girls camping bookclub at our place. Bauer Kegger was fantastic! I'm getting too old to be staying up until 5:30 tho. Monkfish and the Seabasstards did an excellent job. Can't get in to the birth house either. I just think it's so boring. I guess I'm only at the beginning. We're going fishing all day Saturday and I plan to get some great reading in while basking in the sun on the boat. Anyone can't do the 5th?

Anonymous said...

They changed their name.. It's Dirt Mobile. Who was wasted that night? LOL.


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