
Turn on Your Volume...

We're live action with music now!

Meeting Notes...

Thanks Alana for a great book club meeting on Wednesday! It is so the highlight of a work week!
Now for the issue of our March Meeting. Keep an eye on the website on the side bar for our movie in the theatre. Fingers crossed it's still here at the Canyon Meadows Theatre late March!

Speaking of which...comment on what days work for you for the end of March. Should we try for Thursday March 27 or Friday March 28?

We can have our book Club discussion, drinks and eats before the movie at 9:10 at Canyon Meadows. If the movie is not still in the theater then we'll have our Book Club meeting and movie watching at my place.

Good luck with the book gals!

If you need a laugh I put an excerpt from Mommies Who Drink that had me laughing out loud on the side bar...

Here is the recipe for Blueberry Tea!

1 oz amaretto almond liqueur
1 oz Grand Marnier® orange liqueur
Orange Pekoe® tea

Mix amaretto and grand marnier in a brandy snifter or glass. Add hot tea to taste. Garnish with an orange


Quick Update...

How's everybody?

Feels like forever since our last meeting for me because I missed one. February 20th at 6:30 at Alana's...I won't post your address and phone number here!

Shannon picked up Cholera at Costco on a super sale, so be sure to look there first. I haven't started our next book Love in the Time of Cholera, but it seems I'm always a book ahead. I searched Chapters Online Calgary locations for Mommies Who Drink and there are zero available in the city stores. Who all would like to go in with me on an online order? The irewards price is $11.73. Remind me to make a list at the meeting!

I feel like Water for Elephants was a book I could revisit time after time after time. Does any one else feel that way? Something to discuss at the meeting...looking forward to it.


First Rule of Book Club - Broken

You know how when you would sneak into the house at night and wouldn't want your parents to hear so you'd try to be super quiet and you end up crashing and banging around? Seems the same applies to the rules of Book Borrowing.

All weekend I treated The Other Boleyn Girl like gold, careful not to bend pages or bend the spine, and especially careful not to fuzz up the corners of the cover. So as Brian and I are driving home from Banff and I'm reading he decides to crack open a can of pop which had been in the truck all weekend. Of course it was still halfway frozen or something and starts to fizz all over his lap. He trys to cover it with his mouth to no avail. So then he lets go of the steering wheel, we start to swerve all over the road as he opens it fully with both hands (thinking this will stop the explosion). When he realizes this won't work he opens MY side window and proceeds to chuck exploding can of Coke Zero, over MY lap, soaking through 10 pages on each side of the pages I am reading, and through MY window. I can not repeat on this blog the words I had for him at that moment in time.

So in a few weeks my soiled copy of The Other Boleyn Girl will be available for borrowing to those who have clumsy ass husbands or otherwise would like to take the book to a beach, gym, or equally treacherous reading locations without fearing damange as it is no longer perfect. Kristin - you'll have a copy as new as the one you lent me!!!


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