Hello My Favourite Ladies,
Did you know Book Club will happen one week tomorrow, at my house?
Friday,November 6.
I'm hoping you all can make it! Right now we will be missing Amber, I'm in the hopes your other plans just might change!
Since it is a Book Club Birthday I will be serving up a light meal followed by a ferocious dessert.
Now for the best part...
I am giving you a preview to my picks for November!
I'll have all 3 at Book Club to get a palpable feel for them, I know sometimes that makes a difference. I'd be equally happy with any of them, so I am excited to see what you choose. When I walked them up to the till the cashier said to me "These are really good books!"
Here is a quick summary of why I chose the ones I did.
The first book is by the same author as one of my all-time faves. (Thanks Malia for the tip on this one!) It is her second novel and came recommended by Chapters Online to those who loved Time Travellers Wife, Lovely Bones, and The Thirteenth Tale. I did love all of those! It is a hardcover, 401 pages, big typeface, roomy pages with big margins. I see myself reading this in front of the fireplace and loving it.
The second book is by another popular author who I've been drawn to for a couple years but haven't had the chance to read yet. His most popular book, The Alchemist, I thought one of us must have read by now, so I chose another one. This book also came recommended by Mary, who I think most of you know. She hasn't led me astray yet on a book recommendation. The book is subtitled "A Novel of Obsession" which got me, and also a beautiful cover which gets me too.
The third book is a classic and timeless. I have wanted to read this book since my sister had to read it in High School. I think it will be inspiring and educational.
Now, in no particular order, I present to you...
1. Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger
2. The Zahir by Paulo Coelho

So what do you think of my books? Can you make it on Friday? Have you read any of these selections yet?