
A New Year of Books

Thanks Jasmine for a great Book Club last night! I am anxiously awaiting a Wok Box to open downtown. Malia was the only one who read Three Cups of Tea and gave a good review. I think that this is one a few of us will revisit.

There was some discussion on changes to our format for the new year. I love that we are a flexible bunch. Along with changes, there are some new rules.

2009-2010 Book Club Rules
1. You don't talk about Book Club.
2. You don't talk about Book Club.
3. Everyone must read all books - no excuses
4. 100% Attendance is mandatory - no excuses
5. Maximum page length for books is 300 pages
6. No font size smaller than 11
7. Summer month books must be light and fluffy
8. If your choice of book is junk - you will be expelled from Book Club
9. Host must provide detailed presentation, discussion questions, and moderate the meeting
10. Host must provide copies at the meeting for all 8 members of their 3 potential Book Club picks.

A change this year is we drew names for months, instead of books. You will host a meeting somewhere near the beginning of your month and present 3 books that you would like to read that month. Then we will take a vote on what will be the book for the month. This will prevent us from reading ahead and we will all be on the same page this year (no pun intended).

By random draw...here is the order for the year!

November - Christine
December - Alana
January - Kristin
February - Shannon
March - Jasmine
April - Amber
May - Candice
June - Malia
July - Christine
August - Amber
September - Malia
October - Shannon

Okay, so I was just joking about the rules. But I think this new format will work really good!

If you are going on some fabulous vacation, or have some wicked cold, and can't host your meeting in that month we can always go out on the town somewhere new and exciting that time.

Also NO pressure to put on a dinner feast. Appies, take-out, or even just cheese and crackers is great. I don't get to host dinner parties ever, so I like to test out new menus on Book Club...but absolutley no expectations.

I am also excited to present 3 books and have input from the group on what they'd like to read. I think this will eliminate books that someone has already read. Extra incentive to come to the meeting to get in on the vote!

All that being said...the first meeting of the new year is at my house - Friday, November 6! I'm off to Coles at lunch to do some book shopping! We'll be discussing Middlesex at this meeting too.

How is everyone doing on Middlesex? Do you love it? What do you think of the new format? Are you happy with your month?


Malia said...

Love it all!

amba said...

oh dear...Im so getting kicked out of Boo club.

Christine said...

PS. Who wants to go see this with me???


Anonymous said...

The Committee to Elect
Melissa Sue Robinson
For Mayor of Nampa
(208) 442-3920

Amber said...

Who the heck is this broad???

Anyhow, I totally forgot but I cant make the Nov 6th meeting. Sorry. Go ahead and pick without me though...I wont make everyone change the dates for ,little ol me.

Christine said...

I can't figure out how to delete her comment. We are getting spammed or she thinks we all live in Nampa, Idaho.

Malia said...

She cracked me up yesterday!

CB said...

Sounds great to me! Really looking forward to it.


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