Reminder - Movie Date Tomorrow!
Thursday September 10, Paramount Chinook. Movie time 7:10, meet at the top of the escalators 6:45-7:00. I have heard good things!
Updates - September Book - Three Cups of Tea
How is this book coming along for everyone? Reading or opting out?
If reading...are you enjoying?
If you are opting out...why?
I am the latter. This is just not the book for me this month. Perhaps another time, and I will be very curious to hear your opinions. It seems like I know many people who have read it - so why did none of them tell me it is so darned hard to read?
Previews - October Book - Middlesex
I know I should not be jumping ahead like this, but I picked it up and could not put it down. It is a juicy, somewhat sinister story. Fabulously written. I love all the characters and might make The Virgin Suicides, also by Jeffery Euginides, my pick for next year.
I love this book! Thanks for a new fave Kristin!
Hope you all are enjoying our Indian Summer. I love this time of year.
I'm still down for the movie tomorrow night. Don't forget that bookclub will encompass 2 books ~ Poisonwood Bible and Cease to Blush (which is sounds like not everyone read, but I loved).
Reading Three Cups of Tea, and I really like it. It's not a zip though book, but it's easy to read a chapter or two before bed. I've only just started, but it's interesting so far.
I'll also be at the movie tomorrow night and may be bringing a date. My friend Karen has two little ones and hasn't been out for a chick flick in a LONG time. Besides, it allows me to knock off another item from my to-do list while Chris is away. I put 3 cups down and haven't picked it up again. Just couldn't get in to it. Looking forward to seeing yall for the meeting.
Candice, if you aren't going to read TCOT, then you should read Cease to Blush. Bet you'll have it done by book club date.
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