
Cease to Blush

Hello ladies!
I am back from two weeks in the BC sunshine and late on our August book! I imagine this is probably fine with most as the July book was a tough one. I found after struggling through the first half I really enjoyed the second half and, while not on my list of favourites, it is a book that I will remember and am glad to have read.

On to our August book, Cease to Blush. Will Amber pull out another fab pick that all of us will love? I hope so! I started last night and love that I don't know anything about the plot. I'll leave it like that for all of you too, and only post the author's web page on the side bar.

Next meeting, shall we say August 21 at Quarter Tan Shan's?


Alana said...

The 21st works for me!

I also had trouble in the beginning of the book, and whipped through the last half. I have to say i hated it in the beginning, now i heart it.

p.s. Christine did you end up texting me about getting together?? i forgot my charger =(

Malia said...

The 21st also works for me. For those of you hitting Deerfoot to head out to Tuscany, Stoney Trail is open, and it's super, super quick (it's probably been open that way for ages, but we just figured it out when we headed out to Kelowna). Anyways, Beddington to Stoney Trail takes you right to Tuscany, and right to Shannon's.

Christine said...

I got on "lake time" at the cabin and only checked my phone a couple of times to see if you wanted to come by! Oops! I figured you were probably taking it easy. Anyway, it is a long drive to where we were at Totem Pole...alllll the way around the lake! I went to town once, that was it!

Alana said...

ok sorry ladies, scratch that.. the 21st I am going camping and leaving Friday night =( i forgot. lame. i wanted to chat about this book as i hated it in the beginning and now it's on my top 5.


k said...

I'll be there.


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