Thanks for a great Tuesday Book Club, Malia! As always food and conversation were both delicious. I forgot to take a copy of the hardcover "Thanks" page, but will get to that tonight if I can remember. BSM seems to be the Book of the Year!
Officially moving on to July book now...I am sitting here at my desk reading TPB and my first impression is that it is going to be chock full of funny phrases. This is my current favourite from the chapter I just read...
"He was getting that look he gets, oh boy, like Here come Moses tromping down off of Mount Syanide with ten fresh ways to wreck your life."
I makes me laugh because Montana is full of Baptists and Evangelicals and every where you go you see these 10 Commandment Billboards. Just 4.5 hours south of here, but something you'd just never see on our roads.

Hope you have a great rest of the week! Looking forward to next meeting already. Comment or post with your thoughts and comments or favourite parts of TPB.
I could barely get through the first chapter last night. I hope it picks up, or at least starts to pique my interest. I think that the word "bible" should have tipped me off that it's just not the book for me. But I will throw aside my preconceptions and read it anyways.
I loved the first Chapter! It totally excited me to read the book it was so ...what's the word...haunting?
Talk about judging a book by it's cover! Now you are judging by name! tsk tsk.
Love the quote Christine. I cant wait to start. Im SOOOO seriously uneducated about other peoples (and my own...)so Im really interested. From the sounds of a few reviews I've read its a story that grabs you from many angles. Religion, racism, motherhood, social standing etc. Should make for a really good talk about it come August! Guess I better start now...
Judged, yes. However, I never decided that I wasn't going to read it based on that. We're all entitled to our own interests.
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