
Book Club Recap

Hello all...
Big thanks to Amber for Bollywood Book Club and the super delicious meal! I was going to try to recreate it for a Valentines Day meal for me and BD at the cabin in Montana this weekend, but alas, it will be a full house with 12 other family members joining us. Also, I don't think there is one Indian Restaurant in all of Montana to get some naan bread from, and it just couldn't be as good as Bubly's. Too bad we didn't have more success with The Thirteenth Tale but I think those of you that didn't read it got some pretty good reviews as incentive to!
I started Inside Out Girl on the weekend and hope to make some major progress this long weekend...there is no cable or internet at the cabin. That has been my major distraction lately, that darned laptop at home.
I am already looking forward to the next meeting...did we discuss it at Kristin's or did I make that up?


Anonymous said...

I remember hearing Kristin's too. Let's narrow it down. First Friday in March? The 6th? I love short months!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, that would work for me. Yes, we can still do it at my place.

Anonymous said...

March 6th works for me too! K when you figure out let me know what you need =)

Anonymous said...

March 6th works for me too. I have to admit that I haven't read very much this month yet but hope to finish...eep. Once I move my furniture back in, I'll actually have a place where I can read again. Whoop Whoop.

Anonymous said...

Also...I was thinking about your new name CD...I love ginger. She's so ginger.

Translation - spicy, fiery with a little sweetness.

Christine said...

Ginger - not bad at all! However it conjures up images of Ginger Spice for me and she was never my favourite Spice Girl. I was working on my "word" all weekend and have a few candidates...but I'm not quite ready to settle on one in particular yet.
Maybe I should throw down a poll...


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