
Life or something like it...Part Deux

Well 2009 continues to surprise. I'm really learning to roll with the punches...how quickly life changes.

I need some updates! How does everyone like The Thirteenth Tale? I really enjoyed it!

What is everyone reading beyond our January book? I have been reading The Gurensey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. It's cute, I like it...but I have been losing my focus. I am glad I chose 13th Tale over it for my book club selection. If I can get through it in the next week or so I am going to start The Queen's Fool (Thanks Shannon)...the 4th book in the Boleyn Girl series. Look at me reading a whole series! Look out Harry Potter...you may be next.

Have any ideas for February Book Club meeting? Any one want to host?


Anonymous said...

I loved the 13th Tale. I finished this book last week. Typically I come in under the wire just before the meeting so I know that I really enjoyed it. All of my books are packed away in the basement so I'm not reading anything right now except my to do list. I swear, renovating is a 2nd full time job in itself. Hopefully worth it in the end.

We didn't get to go to the tea house that Alana recommended. Shall we try to go there this time around?

February 6th is a Friday? Everyone available?

Anonymous said...

God, I am the worst book club person...seriously I havent even bought 13th tale. I started reading Eat Pray Love and still havent finished. My brain just isnt into books..its off in la-la land.
I would be happy to host if we'd rather do an indoor bookclub. I think its actually my turn. That way I can focus on hosting while you gals gab about the book!

Anonymous said...

I'm down for going to Amba's! LOL. Going out is okay, but I have much more fun drinking wine and chilling on the couch at my friends house. I believe that I have no plans for the 6th. Is that doable??

Anonymous said...

Feb 6th is good for me and I agree with Malia on the couch and vino drinking. I spend less cash that way =)
I am working my way through 13th tale, am liking it but i need to get reading more!!

Let me know details and if i can bring anything Amba (if that's where it is) he he

Anonymous said...

Amber....I'm on a baking kick. I'll bring some dessert.

On the menu for tomorrow night, creme brulee with fresh strawberries and cocoa whipped cream dip.

I just got butane in my kitchen torch and I'm sooo pumped to use it in my new kitchen. Yow!

Christine said...

Feb 6 works for me at Ambers! My apologies for the Christmas tunes...I'll get that sorted asap.

Anonymous said...

Ladies....Indian Food will be on the menu for Feb 6th. So dont fill yourselves beforehand.

Candace...desert would be fab! Bring whatever your heart desires.


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