
Me and Madonna...Book Besties

Hey all...just a cold and grey January afternoon post. Not much to it and some of you other Lainey readers will already have picked up on the tidbit I am about to share. Do any of you read GOOP? Gwyneth Paltrow's newsletter? On this particular one here she lists her and her friends favourite books. Madonna lists The Time Travellers Wife as one of her faves and I love that she is the only one on the list who doesn't list only "Classics". Yep, Love in the Time of Cholera is on there, and it makes me wonder who are these people who enjoy this book and did they actually read it or are just trying to sound smart?


Anonymous said...

mmmm...funny. Either tryign to sound smart or they are really boring. Can you imagine Gweny and all her girls sitting around talking about how awesome Love in the time of cholera was....lame.

Christine said...

Our book club > Gwyn's book club

Christine said...
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Anonymous said...

I agree. Just trying to sound smart. Anna Kareina? War and Peace? Crime and Punishment? Classics that they feel make them sound so learned if they say are their favs... I agree that everyone should read each of those books, but to say that they are "one of my favs". Come on..


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