Oprah and Hockey...what do they have in common? The inextricable (surprise word of the day) way they effect our Book Club. Oprah announced her new pick on Friday's show. The Story of Edgar Sawtelle. First thing Saturday morning half of our book club picked it up at Costco, that is the power of Oprah! If any of you wanted to choose that one for your first choice, not to worry already chosen. Will she redeem herself from causing us to read Love in the Time of Cholera?
Hockey. It's back. BD is divvying up his year of tickets today. We're going to the game tomorrow. Some of the rest of us have season tickets or partial tickets and the odd game here or there. See the Flames schedule here. I'll put it permanently on the side bar as well so we can reference it when scheduling Book Club. There is a pre-season game on Friday, October 3 and I'm hoping that it doesn't interfere with next weeks meeting, but if it does let me know and we'll reschedule.
Chapters. As of this morning, only 2 of our 7 copies of Wild Ride up the Cupboards have been shipped. I'm pretty sure they won't be available to us by the start of next month. If this is the case we can start our new year of selections in October and swap in Wild Ride once they are all delivered. We'll have to play this one by ear.
I'm faced with the ultimate decision I come to this time every year. It's fall...do I go dark or stay blonde. Tomorrow is D-day.

Have a great week!!
1. from which one cannot extricate oneself: an inextricable maze.
2. incapable of being disentangled, undone, loosed, or solved: an inextricable knot.
3. hopelessly intricate, involved, or perplexing: inextricable confusion.
Does mentioning that Edgar Sawtelle is an Oprah recommmended book taint it? Malia thinks so. I'm not so sure that she doesn't take the biggest bribes ever to recommend a book. If this book sucks, it over with me and Oprah! She's getting the punt.
Oprah is the worst. I totally agree that she'll promote whoever will pay her the most, OR whoever can make her look the best. She promoted James Frey's book like it was a personal issue, and then as soon as she found out that it wasn't a typical memoire she dismissed him. She's a loser.
I love Oprah. Maybe not her book selections...but I love the Opes.
Like the woman need money? I dont believe she does that. She has no reason too really. She's been an avid (and by avid like obsessive) book reader and promoter since the beginning of time.
I like most of the books she picks..but thats just moi.
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