Hi Gals!
Long time no post! I blame it on reading SO far ahead this past book. From now on must try to stay on pace.
So how is it going? I'm going to go ahead and guess we are all near finished, if not already. That means time for Book Club! We are missing Shannon who is right now galavanting in Europe. Next week we will miss Amber who will be galavanting in Vegas. The week following 4 of us will be starting in on Almost Moon on the beaches of Kelowna. Are the rest of your summer schedules filling up too?
We can try to cram one in here before the 27th, but days are filling up FAST. Any thoughts? During these busy days of summer we might have to stretch meetings over 1.5 months, but MUST return to regularily schedule meetings in the Fall.
Has anyone already started Almost Moon? I had read a few years ago Lovely Bones, also by Alice Sebold. Tough content which for me made a tough read. It's about the horrifying murder of a young girl, told by the girl after her death watching her family from heaven. Haunting. I did a little search on Alice Sebold and her life story leaves no wonder where her material comes from. She was brutally beaten and raped on her college campus at 18. Her other novel Lucky is about this attack. I'm blank on Almost Moon, no idea what it's about...I'll go in search of a spoiler for the side bar.
To fill my time this month I read The Secret Life of Bees, which was really good, though not a candidate for a favourites list of mine. I did discover they are filming the movie now starring Dakota Fanning, Queen Latifa and Alicia Keys...plus Paul Bettany. Love that guy. Based on the book I'll definitley rent the movie to see how it measures up.
My other beach read this summer is going to be Belong To Me by Marisa De los Santos. I got into the first chapter last night and left me with a great first impression!
Happy Reading...