This is a Christmas Book Exchange for our holiday reading material, so bring one of your all-time favourites wrapped!
David Duchovny is my new David Henry. I can totally picture him now, so thanks for the input! He was just a blank face in my book before.

How far along is everyone? Are you enjoying Memory Keepers? Let me know on the side bar! I have to say that I am not finding it to be a real page turner, though I do want to find out what happens in the end. I'm about two thirds in...
Yeah I agree, I keep picturing Dave Duchovny is who I cant help but picture now. I so love the book but it's not a "cant put down" book to me...most are not for me anyhow. But definetly am SO interested to hear what happens, I know there is going to be a few suprises along the way.
(alana)For some reason it won't let me vote, so the 23rd works for me too! i'm so excited that you all think david henry is david duchovny... x files-ish?? hehe. i am really enjoying the book, really wanting norah and caroline to meet up! i guess we will keep eachother posted.
I agree with David as David. LOL. It totally works. I just realized that our meeting is two weeks away, and I'm not even half way through the book. I agree with Amber, it's good, but not Something Blue good. LOL. I finished that in one day.
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