I'm kinda feeling like this during the day.

Which leads me to this at night.

I can't seem to get back into it ladies. Shadow of the Wind is a highly recommended book with tons of wonderful feedback and I just can't pick it up. I'm at chapter two and haven't the least bit of need to read right now.
I guess maybe there are too many other things going on right now for me. Reno's in the basement, visits from family, baby shopping, knitting and HELLO - it's spring which means there are hours of planning to do for the yard and garden. Feeling a little antsy that I won't finish anything in time.
Maybe I just need a break from reading a book a month. The pressure to get a book done so fast right now is daunting and then I just don't pick it up at all.
I say that and then I'm extremely sad because I know that if I step down from this wonderful book club, I won't see you lovelies anymore. However; taking a spot when I'm not in the reading mood is not going to benefit the group either.
Am I super shitty for thinking of stepping down? Does anyone even still read this blog?
i still read this blog. almost daily. i heart our bookclub, but i think that if ppl need breathers that it's all good. I still think we should try once a month to get together, book or not. Remember ladies, this is suppose to be fun, not stressful. It's all about being in relationship with eachother.
alana banana
I second all of Alana's thoughts. I bought the book on Monday and am excited to get started. Might not be done for next meeting but whatevs
I had a baby and lost the ability to read, cook, workout, or pretty much do anything but fill this wee munchkin with milk every 2 hours...and I'm not even doing so good at that.
I am all for meetings, actually I really need the outings, friendship, distraction, laughter, comraderie...all of it!!!! I won't be reading for a while though I suspect until I figure this whole Mom thing out. Time to feed again...
Here Here for meetings without the guilt of not reading the book. Sometimes life has a way of sending us on a new path and it's not a bad thing.
Besides, you girls are right. This year we decided that we'd get together as a group of friends first and reading would come second.
Hugs and Wet Smooches to you all.
I'm very thankful to the author for posting such an amazing development post. Continuing to the post. Thanks.
I still read the blog. I would post stuff but Im blog-demented...cant figure it out.
Anyhow, we all go through stuff that distracts us for our normal routine and you should fee bad or like quitting. It all will pass and you will get back into it.
Remember last year I hardly read any books and I still came to meetings and hosted. I like books but I love you guys and thats why I am in the book club.
I have now managed to get the book from the stairs to my room and out of the Chapters bag. Next step, starting to read it...
Im STILL not done Wicked! Lord help me! Its so good though.
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