
A Letter and Thoughts

Dear Book Club,

I hope you have had a most awesome summer.

I miss you terribly.

Please let me see you soon.


Now some thoughts that will inspire our Book Club brains as the leaves get ready to turn. These thoughts are not random. They are most orderly.

1. September Book Club is in the works! Will post Monday with details.
2. The Poisonwood Bible for me started out lovely, then turned hated, and in the end I can say I liked it! I really really liked it!
3. Is any one reading Cease to Blush? Did anyone else think it was a crazy book? Like RANDOM?
4. I started early on Three Cups of Tea, got tired and left it.
5. I picked up Middlesex and WHOA, I love this book!
6. I got encouraging e-mail from well read Sister-in-Law that Three Cups of Tea I must not give up on, it will be worth it in the end.
7. I am back on Three Cups of Tea.
8. Next year I propose we do not A Years Worth of Books, rather 10 Months Worth of Books. Yes, Ladies. We take summer holiday July-August. To catch up on back books, or to read new faves, or just to stare at the clouds.
9. Next year I also propose we draw for months, rather than choose them way ahead. What you want to read in October could be very different than what you want to read in July.
10. Time Travellers Wife. Let's go have a good cry together, non? I hear that you'd better not wear mascara into that movie.

Thoughts on my thoughts? Lets hear 'em.


Malia said...

1) Can't wait
2) Did not like this book very much
3) Finished. Loved it. Totally random though, but interesting
4) Waiting till after bookclub to start on that
5) Looking forward to this one too
6) I will stick with it as well
7) Good
8) I agree, but instead of "taking off" the summer, what if we all just throw out a bunch of books that are our favs so those of us who still love to read in the summertime will have something to choose from
9) Agreed
10) Name the time and place

Mrs. C. Bauer said...

Dear Book Club,

You keep me on track. Our meetings are like a deadline for me. I'm so lost without you. I find I'm counting down the days until I see you again (although I still don't know what day). I loved the Poisonwood Bible but have not started and likely won't start Cease to Blush. I just needed a bit of time off. 3 Cups of Tea has been very slow and I wonder if it's because I took a month off or because I hate (well not hate but close) it (so far anyway). I thought I would love this book. I would like to pick a very different book next year. Perhaps a Suze Ormond "ladies get rich and get your head out of your ass" type book or "The smart cookies survival guide". Possibly a cookbook where we all try new recipes and bring them to bookclub? I haven't decided yet. TTW movie is a must see. Soon I hope.

Longingly yours,

Jasmine said...

Poisonwood Bible - liked not loved

I started Cease to Blush and am lukewarm about it - may stop so I can read 3 cups of T

I love next years proposal - I also liked BD's suggestion that it is a book that we have read and reccomend.

I wish this thing had spell check.



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