Hello Ladies!
Hope you are enjoying your rainy Friday. How much did you all want to stay under the covers this morning? I SO did.
I'm happy to say this is our 100th POST! Bright Shiny Morning is also our 20th book together. Wow! Candice's post about the Bucket List made me think how our Book Club and how reading so many new and interesting books is helping in the completion of one Bucket item for me. So how 'bout it? Let's have those Bucket Lists. Here is a great website that can get you started. I don't think I've ever written one down and perhaps if we know each other's we may be able to help each other acheive them somehow...
Here is mine in no particular order...
1. See the Pyramids, Collesium in Rome, Stonehenge, the Grand Canyon, The Northern Lights, the Great Barrier Reef and Machu Picchu (my 7 wonders)
2. Run a half marathon under 2 hours
3. Own a cabin on a lake
4. Get pregnant and stay that way for 9 months
5. Take a surf vacation with Brian
6. Complete one lap of the 24 hours of Adrenaline race
7. Play Black Jack in Vegas
8. Teach a Force class
9. Take photography classes
10. Take a Book Club Vacation
11. Donate Blood
12. Practise yoga daily
13. Keep orchids
14. Audition for So You Think You Can Dance Canada
15. Watch the 10 Greatest Movies of all time
16. Go back to the Venus Pool at Caesars and tan topless
17. Go without watching TV for a month straight
18. Karaokee "Womanizer"
19. Learn to swim
20. Read 100 Books
So how about next book club at Tubby Dog??
See you tonight!!
I like your bucket list Christine.
I love you guys....I put my Calgary bucket list on my fridge so that I can focus on checking them off one by one! I LOVE number 14! I would PAY money to see that. No litterally, can I give you $100 bucks to do it next year? Awesome!
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