I picked up Twilight again at lunch and read two paragraphs before throwing it across my office. I just don't get the hype. It is highly unusual for me not to finish a book, but I can't waste any more time on it. I listed it on our bulletin board at work
FREE TWILIGHT BOOKin office 1098
7 minutes later a girl came a knockin'. 7 MINUTES! She said "Why are you giving it away?!" All wide-eyed, incredulous. I'm like, freak girl, tell me you are not taking it and have already read the enourmous piece of drivel once. Yes, she had. She intends to read it...again ...and again. Sheesh.
Oh you are too funny. I'm making the Mexican Lasagna for our NFLD hosts tonite. Here's to hoping it can come together for me again. One of my new favs... Till next week laddies...
I didn't purchase it at Wal-Mart, but at Superstore (a close second). It even had a giant movie poster inside. Darn, should have kept the poster.
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