2.5 hours from a sunny weekend. What are you all up to? What are you reading? I finished Edgar Sawtelle last night. I must confess to some "skimming" of the last 100 pages. It was a long one. Looking forward to your reviews.
I guess we should start thinking about a June meeting. Where did the month go...seriously. Candice, still up for hosting?
So for Feature Friday I had a hard time coming up with a new book! How odd. I skimmed the New York Times Best Seller List and didn't come up with much. Not interested in Hard Cover...though our Chuck Palahniuk's Pygmy sits at #3.
The Paperback Fiction List is as follows:
1. VISION IN WHITE, by Nora Roberts (not a huge fan)
2. THE SHACK, by William P. Young (read it)
4. PRIDE AND PREJUDICE AND ZOMBIES, by Jane Austen and Seth Grahame-Smith (Jane Austen bores me to death...but what is this about "Zombies"??)
5. CITY OF THIEVES, by David Benioff (a gripping, cinematic World War II adventure and an intimate coming-of-age story with an utterly contemporary feel for how boys become men - I think I've had my fill of coming of age from Edgar Sawtelle. Not knocking Edgar...but I need something else right now)
Top 5 at a Glance
1. THREE CUPS OF TEA, by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin (Reading in a couple months)
2. AUDITION, by Barbara Walters (WHO CARES!?)
3. LONE SURVIVOR, by Marcus Luttrell with Patrick Robinson (Navy Seal Afghanistan story - note to self BD might enjoy this)
4. IN DEFENSE OF FOOD, by Michael Pollan (Pollan proposes a new answer to the question of what we should eat that comes down to seven simple but liberating words: "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants." -- Oh so this book is Rocket Science. No thanks.)
5. EAT, PRAY, LOVE, by Elizabeth Gilbert (Read it)
So I turned to the Globe and Mail Best Seller List to see what us Canucks are reading...
Paperback Fiction
1 Angels and Demons, Dan Brown (read it -- going to see the Big Screen adaptation tonight)
2 The Book Of Negroes, Lawrence Hill (Candice highly recommends!!! On my list)
3 Sail, James Patterson and Howard Roughan (some mass market paperback high suspense and drama...could be a pretty good beach read)
4 Phantom Prey, John Sandford (sounds like a horror movie, in print)
5 The Guernsey Literary And Potato Peel Pie Society, Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows (read it)
Paperback Non Fiction
1 Three Cups Of Tea, Greg Mortenson (reading in a couple months)
2 Infidel, Ayaan Hirsi Ali
3 Dreams From My Father, Barack Obama (Obama? Really? Canadians are reading 'Bama stories but not Americans?)
4 Audition: A Memoir, Barbara Walters (REALLY? People care?)
5 The Audacity Of Hope, Barack Obama (We LOVE Obama I guess)
So I found my Feature. Infidel by Ayann Hirsi Ali. It had caught my attention during a peek through Coles last week. Not surprisingly, it's one of Heather's Picks. Should I invite Heather to join our club? I think she'd get along great.

In this profoundly affecting memoir from the internationally renowned author of The Caged Virgin, Ayaan Hirsi Ali tells her astonishing life story, from her traditional Muslim childhood in Somalia, Saudi Arabia, and Kenya, to her intellectual awakening and activism in the Netherlands, and her current life under armed guard in the West...to read more click here
Hey ladies!
I planted on Saturday from 8:30am until well after 7:00pm and can safely say that I have more soil under my fingernails than in actual pots. It was a fabulous and relaxing day for me although I was extremely tired by the end of it. Sunday we went fishing and I read, and read, and read. I am well into the last half of Edgar and am loving it. I couldn't put the book down last night and finally turned out the lights at midnight.
I am OK to host this one on June 5th, Friday. Hopefully this time it won't rain and we'll be able to have the desired fire in the evening.
Let me know how the 5th works for everyone!
Holy Crap Hort Couture...I planted 10:00 - 2:00 on Saturday and my back was broken!
June 5th works for me, can't wait to see all your hard work inside and out!
Can I bring anything?
June 5th works for me too!
Hey Ladies, June 5th also works for me, but just a question, weren't we gonna give this one a bit more time?? It's large and i'm obviously a slow reader. no biggie but i won't be done =(
So excited for the nice weather, i am setting up the rooftop this weekend with all the flowers. i can't wait to see Candice's beautiful grounds.
Peace Ladies.
Please please no June 5th. I am outta town again and I really want to make it to Candice's and book club in general. What do you think about another night gals?
What about the Thursday, the 4th?? I can't make the following Friday, the 12th.
I have zero plans in the month of June. I know, so busy, right?
I have golf on Thursday's with my ladies league. How bout Wednesday, June 10th? That gives Alana some more time and hopefully everyone can make it out too. It won't be a late one but...
I have soccer on Wed nights =(
If i'm the only one that can't make it, no worries i don't want to make everyone change plans a bizillion times. let me know what the final verdict is!
I can make it Wednesday June 10th - I am gone Wednesday June 3rd and coming back on June 6th. Other than that no plans for the first 1/2 of June - I also want to invite you all to Curtis' 33rd birthday party on Saturday June 13th. I don't think we want to combine party/ book club because we don't actually talk about the book - what are your thoughts??!?!? If I am the only one who can't make it on the 5th - just go ahead without me - I won't sulk.
What if we push it back...third or 4th Friday in June? It's getting into crazy summer plans now...
Ladies, I think for the summer months Fridays are going to be a bit dicey with trips, bbq, parties, etc. We might need to stick to weekdays to get every there. But I can do whatever.....
I agree with Amber. What about the Tuesday before the 10th? The 9th? I've been done this book forever, so I don't want to push it too far back. LOL.
We're down for Curtis' birthday Jazzy! Sounds fun.
mike and i are in for curtis' b-day. let us know what we can bring!
Sweet guys - the 9th works for me!
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