
Longest Month in the History of Months

Hey Y'all.
Is it just me or does October cease to end?

How's the reading going? What are you reading instead of Wild Ride? I am reading The Boleyn Inheritance and am thoroughly entertained. I was convinced by a book store nerd to read this Phillpa Gregory series in order, so couldn't skip ahead in the series to the book on Elizabeth I.

Next meeting could be something to talk about! November 6 or 7 perhaps? Thoughts?


Anonymous said...

My brain just cant do it. It cant read Wild ride....not sure why. I am interested in it. I picked up a book Ive been wanting to read for a while. The breif wonderous life of Oscar Wao. Havent started yet but should be good.

Im up for either day, but Kristin and Jas are in Vegas!

Anonymous said...

Both those nights work for me too, and I also can not read wild ride. It is super boring to me and doesn't seem to be making any progress... =*( Tear.

I'm excited for our next book... currently not reading anything

Anonymous said...

I liked Wild Ride. Either of those dates work for me as well. So does November 1st if we're really looking to put an end to October...

Anonymous said...

I've picked up A Wild Ride again last night and am really trying to get in to it again. I really want to finish it. I finished reading The Book of Negroes and it was the kind of book that I couldn't walk away from. I am going to go out on a limb here and say it was the best book I have ever read or prolly will read in my life! It was so incredible that I even had a dream about it. So many emotions. Wow.

I'm lame so anyday works for me. Har.

Anonymous said...

Also, this is the fastest month for me. I cannot believe that it's already the 22nd. Yikes..

Anonymous said...

Ok, so I have to admit, I picked up the book and read and read and read... it is slightly interesting for me but not riveting... aw well.. excited to see you all at next meeting! Have a great weekend.

Ta ta

Anonymous said...

When's the next meeting??

Anonymous said...

I'm finished Wild Ride. It was pretty good, ending was meh.

Nov 6th works for me, as on Friday I will be in the air headed to see Madge the Vadge.

So where??? Pub/Restaurant/Dessert place???

Anonymous said...

Nov 6 works best for me too! =)


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