I made it to Part 3 last night - called something like "My Life as an Indian Squaw". LOL. Thanks for putting up with this book selection! I know you all must have been thinking what Alana was thinking - some Wild West Cowboys and Indians novel. Snore. I have faith in my SIL Mary, I think it's going to get pretty interesting. I was intrigued enough to do a Google Search on the Cheyenne sign language, but didn't come up with much. What I did find was a bit of history on Little Wolf. Click here for more. Handsome devil.

What really got me laughing last night was coming up with my own Cheyenne name.
BD suggested "Whiney Baby", which is also my Delta Force Army Ranger nickname.
Which made me come up with "Sleeps with Mean Man". So funny. It was late. I was tired.
What would be your Cheyenne Name?
LOL!! Good Name Hass! Yeah Im atthe same part in the book....and Im totally loving it. Some parts are so funny. My name (not that I should be picking my own but...) would be...."Drink like fish women". Non?
Oh, and I also love the info on Little Wolf...I was actually picturing Adam Beach for little wolf. Only cause I think he's super cute and the only native actor I know.
My name would be "Sleeps with Many Man". Jokes. Or how about "Impractical Footwear"?
There must be a website somewhere, or Facebook application where you can come up with your Native name... I will look.
Is impractical even a word?
I feel like I just made it up.
If there is no website, this should be it! LOL
Kristin your name should simply be "Pretty Foot"
I was originally thinking the dude from Young Guns...but I think he's Mexican! LOL
Pretty Foot - I like it.
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