
Extracurricular Reading...

So sounds like most of us are able to make a mid-week book club on February 20. That works great for me! Keep us posted on plans and what we can bring Alana!

I finished Water for Elephants and thought it was a great easy read and a good story, can't wait to hear what you all think. I asked Brian if we could go to the Circus next time it comes to town. He looked at me like I was a circus freak. So he compromised and we are going to ride Elephants in Thailand which will be a fun tie in to this book.

I am waiting for the super long plane ride on Feb 24 to start Love in the Time of Cholera. I think the Hollywood writers strike has done wonders for my reading time and I found myself grappling for pages to turn in the meantime this week. I must admit that I have been dreading picking up my borrowed book from Kristin, The Other Boleyn Girl. It is a huge book and I have the preconceived notion that it would be similar to the Outlander series because it's a mideviel setting. There I go again, judging a book by it's cover.
To get myself motivated the first thing I did was watch the trailer for the movie coming out in February. Click the Link on the side bar to watch it...you will not be disappointed! I wish every book had a movie trailer instead of just the description on the back...how many more books would they sell!? I could not wait to start it after that preview! If you remember from a few months back my need to associate book characters to movie stars you can imagine how delighted I was to have it done for me before I started.
Long story short ~ if you whiz through Elephants like I did, pick up Boleyn Girl for some extracurricular reading and we can go see the movie together! Has anyone else read this book already? Kristin...don't watch it without me!!

I attached the Cholera Movie trailer on the side bar as well!
Happy Reading!


Christine said...

I forgot to mention about those moive previews...Eric Bana and Benjamin Bratt. Enough said!!

Anonymous said...

Riding an elephant = very scary experience. Especially in Thailand where they just stick you on it's back. However, an experience that you have to do. See if you can bathe the elephants too. Dad did it in India and it looked like a crazy fun experience. Have to say that I am mega jealous cause of my love for elephants!!

Anonymous said...

No need for anyone to bring anything for the 20th! C U all then. Toots!


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