K - Speaking of horror. I couldn't find Wicked before I left on vacation. I scoured 3 different airports with no luck.
I did however, find 3 excellent reads that I'd like to recommend. I was able to focus my extra time on reading and I loved every minute of it.

The first book that I cracked was Bird in Hand. A VERY easy read with a pretty decent story line. I breezed through it because it was the perfect beach read in
every way. No dip in the ocean made me forget the storyline and I easily came back to it after a day out and about. What I didn't like was there was no real depth to it. No part that made me really think. I'm rating this book a 3.5 out of 5.

The second book that I had along was Lucky by the one and only Alice
Sebold. After reading Lovely Bones and Almost Moon, I needed to go farther with Miss Alice and read her life
memoir. While still chilling, I found Lucky a much easier read compared to Almost Moon. Lovely Bones didn't bother me either so I'd be interested to hear which of the three you all thought was the darkest. I LOVED this one and rate is a very strong 4.5 out of 5.

My last book was Still Alice by Lisa
Genova. I picked this one up on a whim after not loving Guernsey
Potato. I couldn't have been happier with this pick. Wow. I saved the very best until last. I love how that happens. It drew me in and kept me there well until the last page. Like Alice in this book, Chris's grandmother Alice suffers from Dementia and
Alzheimer's disease. I wonder if that link made this book even better for me. I loved how it was written from her perspective, often re-living events over again just as an
Alzheimer's patient would. It made me laugh and made me cry. I found myself telling Chris about the book even when he stopped listening. WOW.
5 out of 5. It could possibly be my new favorite book.
I finished Still Alice with 3 days left to go on our vacation. I didn't have a backup so I picked up a trashy mystery novel in a grocery store in Barbados. I can't remember the title, but I must finish it. It's actually pretty good. I was really hesitant on buying it but I just couldn't go 3 full beach days and 2 flights without a book.
I can't wait to hear about Wicked. Would love to borrow it from one of you one day.
Can't wait to see you ladies again.