
Happy Canada Day Weeks

I wasn't sure how else to title this one because our Canada Day plans are pretty scattered both time and local wise...
The holidays start for those lucky Kelowna girls on Friday, there is sun sun sun in the forecast for you!
They don't start for me until Tuesday I head to Montana.
Luckiest of all Shannon starts her holiday this Saturday to LONDON and PARIS! She returns on the 6th...the day before her BIRTHDAY and book club. Let's all persuade Shannon to come have cake and wine with us, even though Ryan will probably be anxious to spoil her that day, but as always, no pressure!

I've got a time consuming project I'm creating for my new neice Elyssa Mary. They changed the spelling, it's better than Elisa, non? Anyway, this project has taken away my evening reading time so I'm slow on BSM...though thouroughly enjoying every chapter. The gang chapter was SHOCKING to me. The violence in L.A is like Calgary times 1000, literally. Not to mention the traffic! Disgusting! I feel so, so fortunate to live in this city. Ocean or no ocean. Super excited for Poisionwood Bible too! Loving the picks Ladies. Loving.

Hope wherever and whenever you take your holiday that it some time finds you in the warmth of the sun enjoying a good book!


Amba said...

No BSM on the beach for this girl...it gets in the way of my tan! I will howver be bringing it to bed with me every night... I love it (thank god it wasnt another love in the time...book)! I love his writing style, clean simple, only gives nessasary details...which i appreciate the most in stories. Im breezing soon!

Candice said...

Bless you Christine for posting details about friends. I honestly have had an aweful month for feeling like my feet are 10 steps ahead of my body. I'm a terrible friend for not even knowing about Montana or London and Paris. Cripes.

Adding to the Bucket List:

1)Slow the hell down
2)Be a better friend
3)Clean my house.....gawd. My mother would be appalled.
4)Let the weeds win.


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