
New book

I can never remember what our new book is called. Something about the hotel on the corner of something and something else. I have yet to download it. I was hoping that I'd be able to get it from the library, but alas, they don't have it and I didn't request they bring it in, as I thought that I would be quicker to buy it on my Kobo. The Kobo has made it to the basement and that it all. I think I will go back and see if the library can get it for me. We'll see how long it takes them to get it in. Apparently you can rent books from the library for your eReaders and they'll stay for 3 weeks. I was also reading somewhere that you can lend books to your friends who have eReaders and as long as you are lending out too, then it's all good. Wish I could remember where I read that or how to do it.

I finally got to see The Help this week. I went with the Agbeyakah sisters. Definitely had to choke back tears at the end when May Mobley was pounding on the window yelling "No Abie, don't go". Good grief, why do they do that to you? Great movie. I definitely did notice that there were quite a few things missing (which is weird cause that movie was over two hours) but it was still great. Emma Stone was not as "old maid" as I pictured Skeeter to be. Look at me, a movie on a Wednesday night. Holy party...


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